Will Power's Hip Hop 50th Tribute to The Pioneers Mural

A Brooklyn Mural Celebrating Hip Hop's Legacy

Experience the vibrancy of hip hop history through Will Power's dynamic mural art, located in the heart of Brooklyn's Bushwick neighborhood. This new installation pays homage to hip hop's 50th anniversary, spotlighting the trailblazers who ignited the genre's flame.

“Hip Hop 50th Tribute to The Pioneers of Hip Hop”

In collaboration with @photorobnyc, and @grafftours, Will Power has crafted a visual ode to hip hop's originators. Featured legends include:

  • DJ Kool Herc - Breakbeat pioneer and the "Father of Hip Hop"

  • Coke La Rock - Celebrated as hip hop's first MC

  • Grandmaster Flash - Innovator of DJ cutting and mixing techniques

  • Melle Mel - Lyricist extraordinaire, elevating the art of rap

  • Rahiem - Versatile artist, blending singing and rapping

  • MC Sha-Rock - The pioneering "First Female Emcee" in hip hop

The mural is a centerpiece at 282 Meserole Street, Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York 11206, embodying the essence of hip hop's formative years.

A Testament to Hip Hop's Roots

This art piece resonates with the heart of the community, symbolizing the esteem and adoration for hip hop's forefathers. For artists like @rahiem.official, this mural stands on par with the highest honors, reflecting the love and acknowledgment from the hip hop fraternity.

The Art That Connects Generations

Encapsulating the influence of hip hop's early DJs and MCs, Will Power's mural becomes a bridge connecting past, present, and future enthusiasts. It's a celebration of the genre's rich history and a nod to the innovators who crafted its sound and spirit.

For a deeper dive into hip hop's origins and Will Power's artistic journey, explore Will Power's artist profile and join the conversation on our social platforms.


Hip Hop Tribute Tunnel


Biggie @ BedStuy Walls